Sunday, October 11, 2009

Snap Out of It!

I am not used to feeling like this. Sad, listless, slow moving, everything is an effort....
I guess this is normal though...but I'm tired of it already.

Someone mentioned to me yesterday that I sound depressed. I guess maybe I am a little. At first I said no no....but then I started thinking about it. See, to me depressed means laying around all the time or sleeping all the time or crying, etc. I'm not doing any of that. But I have lost interest in a lot of my normal things, so...maybe they hit it on the head.

I am staying home a lot - I mentioned that earlier - that I'm becoming hermit-like. I guess it's good I didn't quit my job b/c obviously that's the only thing getting me out of house... HA!

I also don't seem to have the network of friends I used to. And I know for many many years I went out and did things on my own but I am certainly not up to that these days. It seems like my friends here are traveling a lot and are out of town on the weekends and I also admit I'm probably not the ray of sunshine to be around that I used to be. So I can't say I blame them.

All of this will pass though. I just have to get through it and there really isn't anything else to do BUT that. Just push push push through it until I get to the other side.

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