Monday, September 14, 2009


Yesterday was tough. I didn't get to hear "bunch of sandlotters" or "worst I ever seen" after a Bucs loss, for the first time in my life. You see yesterday was the first regular season Tampa Bay Buccaneers game since my Pop passed away. In a "life's ironic that way" turn of events, I ended up at the local sports bar by myself to watch the game. I don't know if that made things easier or harder for me. Maybe it was for the best, as I was teary eyed quite a bit during the game and it had nothing to do with the way the Bucs were playing.

Over the years I would call Pop after the game to discuss it with him and lots of times I would even call him from the sports bar when something big (good or bad) would happen. I'd end up screaming into the phone or walking outside so he could hear me, but oh those calls were funny. If the Bucs were playing poorly, he'd be ranting and raving and if they were playing well, he'd laugh in nearly a child-like delightful way - like he just couldn't believe it. Then again when you've been a fan since the franchise started in 1976, and you suffered through that horrible beginning 0-22 record, even though that was 33 years ago, sometimes you really couldn't believe it if they were playing well. So the giggle of disbelief made sense.

There were no calls yesterday. No rants and raves. No child-like laughter. Just me sitting up at a sports bar by myself staring at my cell phone. Wishing on everything and anything, I had a call to make.

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